Librebits | Project :-)



This website consists of just two files: a single HTML file and a single CSS file. This is a based on my colleague and friend Joost's Zen Garden Websites. The goal of this website is to show what can be done with just one simple CSS and one simple HTML file. It aims to illustrate how simple the web (WWW). Our Zen Garden style websites are easy to build, easy to maintain and cheap or even free to host.

our motto | modus operandi

«Production without possession, action without ambition, development without dominance»

.- Lao-tzu, chinese philosopher (604 BC – 531 BC)

~made < with FLOSS love / > ~

John Doeby Fenix ;-)
Hugocodexcontributing to Hugocodex project
FTVcontributing to FediverseTV


My name is Fenix, a People+Networks+Systems projects catalyst: feel free to contact me by sending an e-mail to If you want to take your web project to the next level, we can help you with professional hosting and a CMS :-)